Gary Nabel, M.D., Ph.D. has served as a director of SIGA since June 2021.
Dr. Nabel is currently President and CEO of ModeX Therapeutics Inc, a biotech startup in Natick, MA. He recently retired as Chief Scientific Officer, Global Research and Development, and Head of the North American R&D Hub at Sanofi. In addition to serving as Senior Vice President for the company, Dr. Nabel also oversaw the Breakthrough Lab, which developed the first trispecific antibodies now in development for HIV as published in Science, as well as cancer immunotherapies and novel vaccines. The Chief Scientific Office sponsored external innovation awards, the Postdoctoral and Innovation Fellows Programs, and the Global Science Awards. An author of more than 450 scientific publications, Dr. Nabel joined Sanofi in 2012 from the National Institutes of Health, where he served as Director of the Vaccine Research Center (“VRC”) since 1999, during which time, he provided overall direction and scientific leadership of the basic, clinical, and translational research activities and guided development of novel vaccine strategies against HIV, universal influenza, Ebola and emerging infectious disease viruses. His work encompasses basic mechanisms of HIV gene activation, structure-based vaccine design, and immunotherapy.
Dr. Nabel graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1975 and continued his graduate studies at Harvard, completing his Ph.D. in 1980 and his M.D. two years later, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship with David Baltimore at the Whitehead Institute.
In recognition of his expertise at the forefront of virology, immunology, gene therapy, and molecular biology, Dr. Nabel was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 1998. Among his many other honors, Dr. Nabel received the Amgen Scientific Achievement Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Health and Human Services Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service, and is a fellow of the American Association of Physicians, and the American Academy of Arts Sciences.
Dr. Gary Nabel
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